Peak Fine Dining Restaurant by Base Archtecture

Posted by newsinterior on August 27, 2010 under Dining Room Design, Interior Design | Be the First to Comment

Description of Peak Fine Dining Restaurant:
Iceworks Bar and Restaurant and Peak Fine Dining Restaurant are spaces which revolt against the tendency to turn bars into expressions of five minute trends with bling, glitz and glamour. The objective of the spaces was to achieve comfort, to be practical, and exude a sense of class and quality. The space was to be clearly modern and of its time, but the detailing was to also reflect quality craftsmanship. In particular, great care was taken to ensure the comfort of patrons through the diversity of spaces and careful acoustic treatments which reflect the mood of each space. Iceworks sees itself as a venue which takes its position in the local community seriously. Lighting treatments ensure that the corner becomes lantern like at night and artwork commissioned for the space is located to be as accessible to passersby as it is for patrons.
Please visit Base Archtecture site for further detail.

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Peak Fine Dining Restaurant by Base Archtecture
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