Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior

Posted by newsinterior on October 23, 2010 under Interior Design | Read the First Comment

Many things we can do to make our interiors to be more cool and look more beautiful views. One of them by placing the green plants in this space. Can be applied at home interior or work space. With little action we get a lot of benefit.
Plants have a significant effect in reducing the heat of the room temperature. Indoor air-conditioned, usage of plants with a sufficient amount will be lower temperatures 3 ° C-5 ° C.

Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior

In addition, broad-leaf plants have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) is greater. In one human being needs 2.9 kg of oxygen (02) so that the plant helps speed up the procurement of 02 in the room during the day.
For the convenience of working space, you can use the green plant on pot. Addition of green plants in room will add to the impression of cool in the room can also beautify the room.
Do not forget to regularly provide water intake and keep the health of plants.

Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior

Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior

Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior Benefits of Using Green Plants in Home Interior

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