Steps to Arrange the Tiny Bathroom
Having tiny bathroom doesn’t mean inhibit your creativity in beautifying and decorating this place. Having clean and pleasant bathroom, can improve mood when to bath and move to go to workplace. There are several steps that can be followed to arrange the tiny bathroom.
Determine theme
A clear theme will help you find the need for this room. Determining the theme can be started by determining what color you choose for the bathroom. We recommended for Small bathrooms, painted with light colors, it will make the room look spacious. We not recommended painted with dark colors.
Determine focus
The small bathroom is not possible to accommodate a variety of goods. Simply specify an ornament that became the focus, for example, one wall with patterned tiles, or mirror with a beautiful lamp. Large mirror without a frame can also be placed on the wall to give effect to a more spacious room.
Prepare a place to store
Bathroom will be filled towels also with dirty clothes. Prepare a place to store them. A neat bathrooms will make the bathroom look more beautiful. Buy a beautiful container according to the theme of the bathroom. Beautiful container that also serves as an ornamental bathroom.
Select the appropriate lighting
Another way to beautify the bathroom is with proper lighting. Choose a lamp that was not too bright, but not dim. Seemed natural lighting creates a comfortable atmosphere in the bathroom.
If the room has been arranged, lighting was correct, we recommended to add a fresh fragrance in the bathroom. Besides giving a calming effect, fragrances can also beautify your bathroom.
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