Scoop Bathtub Design, Attractive and Practical Bathtub Collections from Falper

July 1st, 2010 - 5:36 am § in Bathroom Design

Description of Scoop Bathtub from Falper :
The Scoop bathtub, designed by Michael Schmidt, seems to rise the wall and blend perfectly with its surroundings. It is the ideal combination of the clasic bathtub and more recent solutions in the cntre of the room. The Scoop bathtub is perceived as a seductive sculture for the modern bathroom.
Designed by Michael Schmidt together with the washbasin of the same name, this tub in Cristalplant has a characteristic shape which makes it attractive and practical, as it can be mounted on the wall without, as a result, losing the effect of a room-centre tub. The winner of the RED DOT Design award in 2007, Scoop is a recognised, timeless design element.
Please visit Falper site for further detail.

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